
Kenneth Kaye's publications on Parenting and Family Therapy

Book: Family Rules: Raising Responsible Children: 2005 Edition (1984; third edition, 2005)

In Spanish: Principios Familiares, Selector, Mexico, 1994.

Book: Trust Me: Helping Our Young Adults Financially (2009)


"Why won't my kids listen to me?" (1984)

Redbook magazine bought first serial rights to Family Rules and published this piece coincident with the book's publication in 1984. The editor who worked with me bought and paid handsomely for three more pieces over the next few years, which may still be in the magazine's inventory; I never heard that they ran.

Turning two identities into one (1987)

Psychology Today published this summary of the research Sarah Warren and I did on how adoptive parents and their adopted teenagers talk to one another about their relationships. I don't know whether the editor or I was to blame for the lack of clarity, but here is what we presented to the public about that research, in 1987.

Discourse about adoption in adoptive families (1988)

by Kenneth Kaye and Sarah Warren. Journal of Family Psychology, 1988, Vol. 1 No. 4, pp. 406-433. Feelings expressed in open family discussion corresponded with the speaker's privately expressed feelings, and even more so in the adolescents than in their parents. Mothers and fathers tended to acknowledge disadvantages of adoption more than their adopted adolescents did.

High acknowledgment of differences between being adopted and how they imagine biological families may be a coping strategy for adolescent adoptees whose development has been difficult for various reasons.

Children whose families reported more problems ... had extremely low self-esteem scores and expressed greater interest in their biological roots.

Acknowledgment or rejection of differences (1990)

by Kenneth Kaye and Sarah Warren. In David Brodzinsky and Marshall Schechter, eds. The Psychology of Adoption Oxford University Press, 1990. This chapter discusses the research which the poorly written Psych Today article had referenced more than two years earlier.

Too Late for Parental Guidance (2012)

When young adults get so deep in financial trouble that you have to bail them out.